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What Happens When a Company is Going Into Administration?

What Happens When a Company is Going Into Administration?

The process is often associated with businesses going through insolvency. Going into administration is a legal process where an insolvency practitioner takes control of a company to try and rescue it while also finding ways to recoup as much value for creditors as possible. When an administrator steps in to save a business from collapse,Continue Reading What Happens When a Company is Going Into Administration?

What Can an ISO 27001 Consultant Do For Your Company?

What Can an ISO 27001 Consultant Do For Your Company?

An ISO 27001 consultant is an expert in helping organisations create an efficient information security management system (ISMS). They assist with the formulation of policies, procedures, and controls. These are essential for implementing an ISMS that safeguards your information assets’ confidentiality, integrity, and availability. They also assist in conducting risk assessments of both your organisationContinue Reading What Can an ISO 27001 Consultant Do For Your Company?

Why The Right Office Design Is Important

Why The Right Office Design Is Important

Why Office Design Matters: There are many design factors that could affect employee morale: workspace, lighting, and room color. Studies have proven that having more natural light in the workplace actually increases a person’s mood and produces an effective, productive workplace. Another important factor is making sure that there is enough open space for everyone.Continue Reading Why The Right Office Design Is Important